THE MIRELLA VARIATIONS The variations are a series of generated paintings, whose forms are dictated by mathmatical behaviours. The Mirella Variations: This work was originally made in 2000. It is inspired by a robot called Mirella. Robots have common behaviours, ie robots can follow a path (path following mode), the can avoid obstacles (avoidance mode), and they can operate in wander mode. I recently found this work on my old mac machine and its been re- worked, changing some colours and speeds. The Mirella Variations all operate in the same way with just one script that is continually reworking the 'process', to create a different output; a different product or in this case a different artwork. The robots are wandering over the screen in general wander mode at differing speeds. The space in this case is the canvas. The cellular robot is in effect replaced with a series of 'brushes'‚ and it is these that are wandering around the screen. A series of actions are applied to the movement of the digital brush across the rectangular digital canvas to create these robotic generative paintings. These artifacts range from organic to mechanistic. Each is abled to randomly branch, and some die and fade over time. Touching the screen enables newer branches to occur although this might not be evident. These are the online version click to enter above, or see screenshots below. INSTALLATION: To be projected on the walls in a gallery or architectural space. Also available for touch screens , if you want exhibit them get in touch. There is a higher resolution 1024 by 768 also available. Contact. Stanza at Awards. AHRC Creative fellowship 2006 - 2009 Prizes. Videoformes Multimedia First prize France 2005,
KEYWORDS: net art , generative,, installation , real time environment. |