November 15, 2000


Participating Artist:

Organized by Michele Thursz.

"screaMachine": Irish artist Gearoid Dolan a.k.a. screaMachine will be presenting new works in a digitally generated environment at Moving Image Gallery, New York City.

Footage of the performances will be available for viewing on CD-ROM, throughout the show. 6 pieces presented: one physical installation with projected time-based media and performances.

- City View
- Drag
- Without
- Entertainment
- Urban Junglism
- Score for a Techno-Cathedral

In this exhibition the six pieces form a time based installation sequence starting with the more traditional stained glass-like City View which provides insight into the lives of people of the current era and glows with enhanced natural light, bridging the gap between the natural and the synthetic.

Next, Drag rejects the tradition of religion, opting for a human centered philosophy, allowing for the introspective Without You to deal with the lack of a promised afterlife.

v The new god, technology, as depicted in Entertainment , evolves into the BIG-BROTHER monster rejected in Urban Junglism .

Score for a Techno-Cathedral unites all by the juxtaposition of their contributing audio elements, highlighting the recurring nature of these patterns as they occur, with or without structure, throughout history.

In simulating a cathedral, this exhibition explores the futility of the search for a philosophical resolution to the question of the existence of an intelligent pre-determination that is inherently constrained by and confused with the technology of the times.

. Drag , 15 minutes
. Without You , 5 minutes
. Entertainment , 5 minutes
. Urban Junglism , 5 minutes

Show Events/Schedule: November 30 - December 21, 2000
Opening Reception: Thursday November 30, 2000. 6-9 pm
Performances on Sunday, December 3rd from 3pm to 4pm

Michele Thursz, Director

414 Broadway
New York NY 10013